This is a very popular Andhra recipes. It is a protein and iron rich sweet dish as jagge...
Boondi Laddu is a delicious Indian sweet prepared for special festive occasions or serve ...
Anjeer Halwa is a rich and mouthwatering dessert recipe made with dried figs and topped w...
Sheer khorma or Sheer khurma literally(milk with dates in Urdu) is a festival vermicelli ...
Oats and Coconut Payasam is an exceptional combination of ingredients made with oats and ...
Lapsi halwa is a popular sweet from the Rajasthani cuisine, Lapsi is a sweet halwa made f...
How to makeRulang Aluwa?How to cookRulang Aluwa?Learn the recipeRulang Aluwaby vahchef.For all recipes visit
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