This is soft and fluffy pancakes made with sago and yogurt. It is also the traditional Ma...
Dosa recipe - a small collection of basic dosa to masala dosa recipes from South Indian C...
Vegetable 65 is an awesome snack dish that kids love to eat. Made with mix veggies, sligh...
Drumstick corn and dal poriyal is a simple basic curry served with rice and roti. ...
Tomato Flavored Chicken 65 Fried Rice is one the most delicious rice recipes with a nice ...
Green leaves pulao is a flavorful pulao, easy to make, instant rice dish to serve with on...
Rice roti is one of the most popular Indian bread, made with rice flour, The traditional way of mixing the rice flour is take water in a vessel and allow boiling. Meanwhile in a bowl mix the rice flour with other chopped vegetable adding salt.
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