Awesome recipe with a flavorful combination of tindora and curd with a perfect aroma of s...
Paneer tikka is an Indian dish made from chunks of paneer marinated in spices and grilled...
A protein-rich egg made in the form of nuggets served as evening snack is a perfect delig...
Sago pudding is a sweet pudding made by boiled sago with either water or milk and adding ...
This is the variation of salan gravy with the addition of curd to increase the basic vers...
Pomegranate is one of the best cocktail ingredients we know, offering tartness and tang t...
Rice roti is one of the most popular Indian bread, made with rice flour, The traditional way of mixing the rice flour is take water in a vessel and allow boiling. Meanwhile in a bowl mix the rice flour with other chopped vegetable adding salt.
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