Surprise your kids with these homemade crispy and delicious Fried Ginger Cookies....
Pureed fresh mango gives this cheesecake a light and soft texture and subtle. Bake cake u...
It is a delicious Indian dessert made with milk and vermicelli strands and often served a...
Dond ke ladoo, a popular sweet preparation from the Rajasthani cuisine made with urad dal...
Bengal Gram recipe also called as "Hayagriva" is a traditional dessert made in most Madhw...
Ginnu boorelu is a traditional sweet of Andhra Pradesh. During Sankranthi everybody used...
Parfait refers to two types of frozen dessert. Learn the recipe of parfaits by vahchef.
Parfait is made by boiling cream, sugar and syrup to create a custard-like puree which is not necessarily served in a parfait glass.
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