Sev is a delicious fried vermicelli snack that is made from besan/ gram flour. The sev i...
Tomatoes cooked nicely along with spring onion in an onion and spices mix gravy. This is ...
Dosakaya drumstick rasam, a delicious calcium loaded rasam. The special flavor of drumsti...
Samosa is one of the most popular appetizer or snack in India. these small samosas serve...
Kandi podi is prepared of dry roasted dals (lentils) with other spices to give a nice aro...
Fish fillet are best way to eat bone less of fish ...
This tasty snack will make every age group to relish. The staple snack recipe found in streets of India is one of the best party recipe made with stuffed poori's dipped in flavored water.
How to make pani poori or gol gaapa?How to cook pani poori or gool gaapa?Learn the recipe pani poori or gool gaapa by vahchef. For all recipes visit
Chatpata chat are favorite street food liked by every age group without a limit especially in India. This has been a special small budget treat for kiddos to relish in many flavorful i.e, sour, sweet, chatpata.
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Chatpata chat are favorite street food liked by every age group without a limit especially in India. This has been a special small budget treat for kiddos to relish in many flavorful i.e, sour, sweet, chatpata.
vahuser Posted on Sun Oct 09 2011
i made the pooris but they are not crispy...they are soft can you help me
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