Eggplant/Brinjal in a makhani style sauce is the only thing better is cooking it in a slo...
This delicious, mild curry is so easy to make. The word 'malai' means cream, but this cur...
Paneer pasanda is a snack recipe where paneer is stuffed and cooked in silky sauce....
Kadai gosht mutton is a popular cuisine around Pakistan. This recipe has an authentic tas...
Tender tamarind leaves is known as Chinta kaya in Andhra Pradesh and the combination of s...
This super quick stir fry tastes yummy, can be served as snack or an accomplishment with ...
kadai paneer gravy turns out to be very flavorful and delicious, stands out among the other restaurant style paneer curry. One of the best paneer dish and easy to make.
Another tasty gem of a recipe from the Punjabi cuisine. Kadai Paneer is definitely a favorite Indian restaurant served vegetarian cottage cheese dish apart from paneer tikka masala, paneer butter masala, matar paneer, palak paneer and shahi paneer. It is called kadai paneer or karahi paneer because the paneer or cottage cheese is cooked in an Indian wok called kadai.
Kadai paneer is a very popular North... Read More..
About Recipe
Another tasty gem of a recipe from the Punjabi cuisine. Kadai Paneer is definitely a favorite Indian restaurant served vegetarian cottage cheese dish apart from paneer tikka masala, paneer butter masala, matar paneer, palak paneer and shahi paneer. It is called kadai paneer or karahi paneer because the paneer or cottage cheese is cooked in an Indian wok called kadai.
Kadai paneer is a very popular North Indian Curry made by paneer cooked in a red Indian gravy. Kadai paneer is one of the easiest tasty Paneer dishes that can be made in minutes. It is a terrific blend of Indian spices combined with gentle pieces of cottage cheese called Paneer. To make kadai paneer, paneer is seasoned, gently spiced and cooked with tomatoes and bell pepper. It is serve along with roti, naan or jeera rice.
Two main ingredients, Kasuri Methi (fenugreek leaves) and Whole Coriander Seeds play a vital role as they not only give Kadai Paneer the flavor but also distinct aroma.
Blend tomato and make it puree. Add turmeric, kadai masala powder, red chili powder, salt, coriander seeds. Add 1 cup of water and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add water according to the desired consistency.
Add Paneer cubes and cook for almost 5 minutes in the masala. Switch off the stove. At last add kasuri methi and cilantro leaves, Check the seasoning.