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This simple and spicy egg curry is an excellent in taste and served with roti, pulka or r...
This is kid’s special recipe, egg paratha is actually very different from any other regul...
A healthy ladoo made with the fresh sapotas is an awesome dessert which can be served ins...
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Palak Methi Muthia makes a delicious treat when served with nutritious green chutney. Learn the recipe of Palak Methi na Muthia by vahchef.
Palak Methi Muthia represents perfection in flavour, nutrition and visual appeal. The flavours of spinach and fenugreek balance each other very well in these steamed iron and folic acid rich dumplings, which get a further boost in aroma from the tempering of mustard and sesame seeds.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Thu Feb 16 2012
Hi, I feel the ingredients are not up to the mark. tsp and tbsp have been interchanged at some points.
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