Channa Dal Sooji Halwa is a most seen delicacy on religious occasions in India....
This is a snack recipe prepared with moong dal, rice flour, sesame seeds and deep fried i...
Shallots Baby Onion Garlic Sambar is one of the delicious and popular South Indian recipe...
This masala dal clubbed with toor dal, onion, tomato, veggies like ridge gourd all togeth...
Paneer Besan Ka Cheela or gram flour combined with grated paneer and made into excellent ...
Tomato Pappu recipe or tomato dal made in Andhra style is delicious as garlic is used....
Malabar or vaali as known in mangalore is a yummy curry.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Mon Jul 27 2009
hi ,this curry is very famous in mangalore ,i have treid it many times , u can ,make it better by adding mustard seeds during frying and then grind with coconut as told above..
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