Have you tried veg pulao and sweet rice, now try this concoction of sweet pineapple rice ...
curry leafs (kurvepaku), tamerind( Chintha pandu), whole red chilli ( endu mirchi), fres...
Murgh Musallam is a popular non-vegetarian recipe and combination of lamb mince, eggs and...
Vegetable Biryani is an exotic, aromatic rich Indian Mughlai pulao dish layered with rice...
Khichdi in Hyderabad is known for serving breakfast, lunch, dinner. Kichidi made of overc...
Rice also refers to Steamed rice that is cooked either by steaming or boiling. Rice is ...
Kokum is a Tropical fruit and dried kokum can replace the tamarind and pulihora prepared with it is easy and delicious.
According to ayurveda, Kokum is a very useful plant. It grows primarily in the Western Ghats and is used a great deal in the cuisine of the western coast.
About Recipe
Biyyam, Pachaarisi, Atap chawal |
Sindhu Lakshmi Posted on Thu Oct 29 2015
what is kokam in telugu? where can we get this?
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