Prawn Biryani is a traditional Indian dish prepared by layering spices, shrimp/ prawn, ar...
This chicken 65 biriyani makes an excellent meal for a party get together, family get tog...
Spicy Pulao with stir fry Brinjals is an amazing rice dish preparation commonly known as ...
Coconut Rice is a traditional rice preparation of south India. Cooked/ steamed rice added...
Zafrani Pulao is a mix of rich ingredients - Basmati rice cooked in a sweet and rich blen...
Gurda Kapoora Biryani is a special meat dish originated from from Lahore in Punjab....
This is a colorful Kashmiri rice dish seasoned with a variety of spices and nuts. Learn the recipe of Kashmiri Mutanjan by vahchef
Kashmiri Mutanjan is a very popular non vegetarian recipe from the Kashmiri cuisine. Mutanjan has variations in its recipes, here we have lamb mutanjan recipe strait from Kashmir.
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