This is a sweet snack recipe. It is an easy and famous recipe in Andhra Pradesh....
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Jalebi is made by deep-frying maida flour batter in pretzel or circular shapes, which are then soaked in sugar syrup.
Jalebi, also referred to as Zulbia, is a dessert common in countries of South and West Asia, North and East Africa. They're especially favorite in South Asia during Ramadan and Diwali.
Diwali is imperfect without sweet and delicious food. In a country like India where many types of desserts can be found, Jalebi is a worldwide favorite dessert. Probably the yummiest of them, is the sugar dipped, attractive. Not just on Holi, Diwali or any festive events, Jalebi is one thing which is contained in the common diet of all the people born having a sweet tooth.
Jalebi the specific and favorite sweet in even, Pakistan, Nepal... Read More..
About Recipe
Diwali is imperfect without sweet and delicious food. In a country like India where many types of desserts can be found, Jalebi is a worldwide favorite dessert. Probably the yummiest of them, is the sugar dipped, attractive. Not just on Holi, Diwali or any festive events, Jalebi is one thing which is contained in the common diet of all the people born having a sweet tooth.
Jalebi the specific and favorite sweet in even, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. Jalebi is a syrupy dessert that's formed liked a somewhat big, chaotic pretzel and it is customarily prepared in India and Pakistan. A properly made Jalebi includes a sour element with a sweet taste. Jalebi is a favorite on most occasions be it a wedding ceremony, festival or birthday.
Jalebi is a deep-fried sugary made from maida flour after which soaked in syrup. It's vibrant orange or yellow in color and also available in white. It is usually offered warm or cold and it has a somewhat soft texture with crystallized sugary outer layer. The sugars get partially fermented which adds taste to the dish.
Preferred accompaniments consist of sweets like jalebi, halwa, and sweetened milk. Samosas, and the variety of jalebi with yogurt (dahi-jalebi), comprise stand-alone breakfast products in Uttar Pradesh as well as its surrounding parts.
There are several versions in serving methods of this dish according to when it's served. Gujarati enjoy Jalebi gathiya like a popular morning meal, Indore has its form of Jalebi Poha in the morning. Uttar Pradesh contains a sweet just like Jalebi known as Imarti, and Orissa includes a similar Chenna Jalebi. Some enjoy it hot while many enjoy jalebi with Vanilla Ice-cream. No matter whether hot or cold, Jalebi always tastes wonderful.
vahuser Posted on Mon Jan 07 2008
Hi, As far as the recipe it is easy but i have two questions. you told that we should rise the batter for several hours !several hours means how many hours we should rise this batter. can we use baking powder in the place of yeast. please reply me q
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vahuser Posted on Wed Oct 20 2010
first of all ur method of teaching is very-2 good(seen ur viedos many times if we are adding yeast in to it then why are we keeping the batter to rest for 'several' hours???
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