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Khichdi in Hyderabad is known for serving breakfast, lunch, dinner. Kichidi made of overcooking of rice and dal man nading into a paste by adding some flavours.
Sabudana also known as Pearl tapioca or Sago is used to make Sabudana Khichdi normally eaten throughout the fast, that individuals usually do for some special occasion. like Navratri, Shivratri and lots of this kind of occasion when folks fast.
Sabudana khichdi is additionally one of the street food in several major towns like Mumbai, Pune, Indore, Bhopal and Nagpur.
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About Recipe
Sabudana also known as Pearl tapioca or Sago is used to make Sabudana Khichdi normally eaten throughout the fast, that individuals usually do for some special occasion. like Navratri, Shivratri and lots of this kind of occasion when folks fast.
Sabudana khichdi is additionally one of the street food in several major towns like Mumbai, Pune, Indore, Bhopal and Nagpur.
Sabudana khichdi is preferred for evening snack, breakfast and brunch and another pot fasting meal for many Indian festivals. It is usually preparing in 15-20 minutes using the soaked sabudana.
Most of us think the fasting foods would be the most delicious even though they are made with limited ingredients, despite the fact that everyone knows it's not the meager ingredients that make the food delightful tasting it's the way the ingredients are cooked and seasoned that matters most in connection with this. sabudana or sago pearls is certainly one ingredient that is tasteless. odorless and sticky when cooked. No simple ingredient also cooks if you're a new experimental cook but responds perfectly once you learn it well.
Both Sago and Sabudana looks quite similar and can be used as an alternative to each other. It appears it various shapes from small, medium too large. Even though Sago ought to be soaked for a couple of hours prior to cook, Sabudana doesn’t require just as much soaking. Just washing Sabudana with water once or twice adds moisture so it helps it to fluff in size, there by maintaining it dry and non-sticky.
Nutrition Value:
Sago or Sabudana is lower in fat. but exactly how ever don't have a lot nutritional value. Sabudana is starch and it is regarded as a source of carbs and therefore ate as food during fasts. People usually combine it with ground nuts and dairy to boost its nutrition value.
Sruthiskitchen Posted on Wed Jun 19 2013
This khichdi reminds me of Pulagam and the khatta chutney reminds me of Pachhi Pulusu. I bet this tastes damn good! Thanks for sharing this recipe with all of us :)
Reply 0 - RepliesNeththra'sVision Posted on Wed Jun 19 2013
A delicious recipe with lot of ingredients that I love, specially garam masala, curd, masoor dal and ghee.Thank you so much chef Sanjay Thumma for another delicious rice.
Reply 0 - RepliesMSE. Dzirasa Posted on Wed Jun 19 2013
Thank God for Indian food and vahchef...#team khichdi # from Sub-sahara West Africa where my late mother lived on Indian food when she was pregnant with me and had a safe delivery and a smart beautiful girl who has followed the flavor and goodness of
Reply 0 - RepliesSavitha Gopu Posted on Wed Jun 19 2013
I love this kichidi...adding potatoes would give a nice flavor too...also...try eating this kichidi with tamarind pachi pulusu ...awesome combo too
Reply 0 - RepliesPinky Posted on Wed Jun 19 2013
Adding curd or yogurt is something I liked in of the thing is common. Thanks.
Reply 0 - Repliesrr08 Posted on Thu Jun 20 2013
Tried it....... & It was awesome VahChef... :) thank you so much for the simple & easy yet delicious recipes...
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Neththra'sVision Posted on Wed Jun 19 2013
Namasthe! Wa-alaikumsalaam!
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