Typical Maharashtrian recipe made with fresh coconut and jaggery flavoured with cardamom ...
This is a Chinese recipe where mixed veg balls are coated in a layer of basmati rice, the...
Biryani sometimes spelled Biriyani or Biriani. Radish dumpling biryani is made with spice...
Spicy pulao with stir-fry brinjals is one of the yummiest rice preparations, very flavour...
Is kedgeree the breakfast of kings or is eating fish before lunchtime a bit too 19th cent...
Khatta is made with sesame seed it a sour kind of preparation especially made in hyderaba...
Fried rice is a Indo- Chinese dish of steamed rice that has been stir-fried in a wok and, usually, mixed with other ingredients, such as eggs, vegetables, and meat, and as such, often served as a complete dish.
This recipe produces fried rice with individual grains and is lightly seasoned to allow the flavor of the rice to shine.
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