Typical Maharashtrian curry made combined with Val or broad beans, eggplant and potatoes ...
Green peas and paneer dal is a north Indian based dish consisting of paneer and green pea...
Vegetable parda biryani is an scrumptious dish made of soya nuggets,and mix vegetables co...
The Exotic famous shikampuri Kebab which means 'belly-full' referring to the stuffing in ...
An authentic recipe from Kerala which belongs to Turnip family known as Khol rabi in engl...
Feet of lamb cooked into curry. Paya Attu kalu curry is an authentic dish where legs of l...
So much flavor from such a simple sauce. This classic Alfredo made of butter, cream and Parmesan cheese is perfect for fettuccine. Learn the recipe of Fettuccine Alfredo by vahchef.
Fettuccine Alfredo or fettuccine al burro is a pasta dish made from fettuccine tossed with Parmesan cheese and butter. As the cheese melts, it emulsifies the liquids to form a smooth and rich coating on the pasta.
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