Beetroot chutney is a yummy dish with a wonderful appearance and tastes excellent when m...
Kala Jamun, a dark brown color jamuns coated with desiccated coconut powder is a variatio...
White sauce pasta is a deliciously creamy and spicy dish. Kid will like to eat it....
Sweet muffins made with the cauliflower vegetable to relish each bite ending up with a su...
Bhel Puri is one of the popular chaat in India and it is a delicious mixture....
Guava pickle, a quick and easy pickle recipe with not more oil and very few ingredients....
This Lassi is a blend of yogurt, khoya and dry fruits which is a popular and traditional sweet drink.
Lassi is a popular traditional yogurt-based drink from the Indian Subcontinent. Lassi is a blend of yogurt, water, spices and sometimes fruit.
About Recipe
Perugu methai, Thayir inippu, Doyi Misti |
brainburrito Posted on Sat Jul 16 2016
Thank you, I loved this. I never tried chironji before but I bought them for this recipe. Wow, they have a wonderful and almost hazelnut/filbert-like flavor. The combination of different toasted nuts was delicious. I think I don't have the pr
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Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Mon Nov 24 2014
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