Delicious way to start your day. Soft and chewy, these freshly baked bagels in your favor...
Ridge gourd & fenugreek leaves curry is an excellent side dish....
This is the most easy and best Biryani with eggs i have tried and thanks to Vahchefs eas...
Teeka Chutney is made with a nice mix of roasted peanuts, sesame seeds, coconut powder, c...
Apple and cinnamon milkshake is a health drink recipe as you all know that :An apple a da...
A triangular shaped fried or baked crispy pastry is popularly known as samosa, with a sav...
Celery stick is a snack recipe. Celery is a low calorie food as it is slow in saturated fat, and very low in cholesterol.
About Recipe
bharat sachdeva Posted on Thu Nov 12 2015
ma'am pls tell low cal salads recipe s?
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