Ragi is called as finger millet in English, kezhvaragu in Tamil. Ragi laddu or ragi lad...
Banana bread is a type of quick bread that contains mashed ripe bananas....
Lauki kheer with custard recipe is a yummy delicious and creamy sweet pudding that is mad...
A soothing light dessert made with the richness of fruits with a flavor of mouth-melting ...
Kajjikayalu is a sweet dessert and also can be eaten anytime of the day. It is prepared u...
Indian sweet Purnam Burelu is made of Chana dal, Jaggery, Cardamom powder being the flavo...
Bombay / Karachi is a popular Indian sweet dish made with cornflour sweetened with sugar, ghee, flavoured with cardamom and garnished with nuts.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Wed May 26 2010
hi chef',i really like your site i tried a lot of recipes from ur site,i started with my favirote butter panner masala for a party it came out too good...i got lot of copliments from guests...ofcourse belongs to u.i tried tandoori chicken,chicken bi
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