Boiled And Fried Eggs Are Cooked in desi tomatoes with sour and sweet gravy. Best to be e...
Cream cheese is a soft, mild-tasting fresh cheese with a high fat content. It is easy to ...
Suji vada is a tasty and tempting breakfast or evening snack recipe for which the batter ...
Potato and Cheese Croquettes is an unique deep fried mouth-watering crispy savory snack ...
Plain sweet kadhi is a yummy Gujarati dish. Buttermilk tempered with mustard seeds, cumin...
Egg Uthapam Fry with a twist of Gunpowder taste makes this delicacy even more special....
Beef Noodle Shepherd's Pie Recipe is an easy and traditional cooking recipe to prepare at home. It provides you an awesome taste of Italian Recipes.
Shepherd’s Pie comes to us from England, and is traditionally made with lamb or mutton. Here is the twist. beff used instead of lamb or mutton.
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