Sakkarai Pongal is a delicious sweetened rice dish made with the addition of jaggery and ...
Sri Lanka Style Amaranth Beetroot Curry tastes excellent by the combination of amaranth a...
This layered paratha is quite appetising to look at, and even more interesting to bite i...
This delicious and easy to follow pickled jalapenos recipe.These pickled jalapeños can be...
Sweet Oats Pongal is healthy dessert option which can be enjoyed on festive days with no ...
Chicken satay is a popular Malaysia dish of skewered chicken These delicious Thai-style c...
Corn which is indigenous to America is now grown worldwide. It is used as a vegetable, briefly boiled or roasted or eaten with butter.
Corn sees its use in various ways – salads, soups, curries and even sweets too! Corn pakoda is one among those all-time favorite snack recipes.
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