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Green Peas and Drumstick Puli is a South Indian style traditional recipe. It's basically ...
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Aloo Methi is an everyday recipe... easy, tasty and awesome. Yet, every time you taste it, it feels exotic, with the softness of potatoes.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Sat Mar 21 2009
This dish was better than any other methi aloo I ever had! Thank you so much for a great recipe. I would like to recommend though that you reduce the amount of oil used.
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vahuser Posted on Fri May 10 2013
I feel Chef you have to correct this recipe...sorry for pointing out;) Adding of methi is appearing twice..when do you exactly add methi leaves.. --- 2) Add finely chopped mint leaves, salt, turmeric powder and green chillies. Cook on slow fire m
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