This is simple and instant sweet dumpling recipe prepared for festive occasions like Ugad...
Coeur a la creme translates from the French as “heart of the cream.” Traditionally associ...
Loukoumades are a popular Greek sweet, balls of dough deep fried until golden then drizzl...
Kaju Katli is a rich and very popular sweet that you can gift for your friends and relati...
Ginnu boorelu is a traditional sweet of Andhra Pradesh. During Sankranthi everybody used...
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Sohan papdi is a popular North Indian dessert. It is usually cube-shaped or served as flakes, and has a crisp and flaky texture. Learn the recipe of Sohan Papdi by vahchef.
The best thing about this kid friendly dessert is that you don't need to bake it. It can be easily made in your pan.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Fri Dec 18 2009
hi, i tried most of you're recipes it came out very well. please give us a video for sohan papri becourse i tried 1's it did comeout properly thank you
Reply 0 - Repliesvahuser Posted on Tue Oct 06 2009
I love this dish as well as your videos. Can you please provide my 2 favourites 'Sohan Papri' + 'video'
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vahuser Posted on Tue Mar 02 2010
sir, kindly let us have your video presentation.. this recipe is one very hard to oblige padma
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