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Green onion dal is an amazing side dish made with spring onion and dill leaves cooked in soft toor dal.
Green onion dal is an amazing side dish made with spring onion a... Read More..
About Recipe
Pesalu koora, Pasipayir Kuzhambu, Mug dal torkari |
Green onion dal is an amazing side dish made with spring onion and dill leaves cooked in soft toor dal and spiced with Indian spices. This awesome flavourful side-dish goes well with any type of Indian flat breads like naan, roti, chapatti, paratha etc. Green onion dal is an amazing side dish made with spring onion and dill leaves cooked in soft toor dal. The dal looks very alluring colourful, a nice mix of yellow and green combination and greens are always healthy and nutritious to eat apart from the lentils which are packed with vitamins and nutrients.
Green onion or Scallion, commonly known as Spring onion is an immature onion with a white base and long green leaves. It is one of the varieties of onion. The scallion or spring onions are milder than the onions and is harvested immature for their taste. They are often cooked or used raw in salads and many Asian recipes. Scallions are diced and used in soups, noodles and seafood dishes. It is also used in sandwiches, curries or stir fries. The spring onions are widely used in South East Asian cuisines like the Thai, Cambodian, Chinese, Malaysian and Indonesian cuisines. The scallions and garlic are often used as elementary spices. It enhances the flavor of many South Asian dishes such as soups, noodles and fried rice variants.
Shallots are much favoured by chefs because of their firm texture and sweet, aromatic, yet pungent, flavor. The spring onions or shallot is a relative of the onion, and tastes a bit like an onion, but has a sweeter, milder, yet richer and more complex flavor. Shallots tend to be more expensive than onions. They are extensively cultivated for use in fresh cooking, in addition to being pickled. Finely sliced deep-fried shallots are used as a condiment in Asian cuisine. Fresh dill leaves are highly aromatic, thread-like, feathery leaves, easy to spot herb. Dill is related to carrots and parsley family.
The leaves and the seeds of dill are highly valued both for their medicinal properties and for their culinary appeal. The essential oils extracted from dill seeds make it a versatile naturopathic remedy, especially for stomach and intestinal problems, mild insomnia, nervous ailments, flatulence and heartburn. Moreover, dill is widely prescribed for many diseases of the liver and gallbladder and is often recommended to treat gastric problems in children because of its mild but effective action. In the kitchen, it is used as culinary purposes for flavourful addition to many dishes, nicely accenting fish and poultry, as well as potatoes, cucumbers and cheese. It is also used in various sauces, soups, vegetables and meat stews.
Dals are the backbone of any Indian meal and definitely a healthy and nutritious dish power-packed with proteins. No Indian meal is complete without a steaming bowl of dal. You can make a variety of dals according to your taste with seasonal vegetables and green leafy vegetables. Dals are absolutely a comforting and refreshing dish. Do try this excellent combination of making the dal with spring onions and dill. The taste is unique, divine and highly aromatic. Dal is a staple food in both south and north India. They are added in stew, curries and for making breakfast tiffins. Green Onion Dal is absolutely nutritious, flavourful, creamy, rich in taste and gives a tickle to the taste buds. Do try this dish and enjoy cooking.
To try more delightful recipes to treat your palate, do click on: www.vahrehvah.com
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Enjoy Cooking! Keep Smiling…
Gay Posted on Thu Apr 20 2017
Toor dal or is it mung. Recipe title says mung. Recipe says toor. There is a difference.
Reply 0 - RepliesLauren Caris Posted on Tue Aug 13 2013
I love watching this man cook... so funny :) also amazing food!! thank you
Reply 0 - Replies100%Realtruth.byapple 2016 Posted on Sun Oct 20 2013
My moms making it now hopefully its good -child of god
Reply 0 - RepliesRashmi Sudev Posted on Sun Feb 08 2015
Hey Sanjay..its a different recipe....i will try.?
Reply 0 - Repliesshagufta ansari Posted on Tue Mar 17 2015
Hello chef-What if dill is not available?
Reply 0 - RepliesNuzycom Posted on Wed Jun 24 2015
????????????????yummy n super quick. Thanks a lot vahchef ?
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Gay Posted on Thu Apr 20 2017
Cooks choice--omit ????
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