Healthy cutlets is a kids easy snacks, appetizer recipes. It is made using vegetables and...
A triangular shaped fried or baked crispy pastry is popularly known as samosa, with a sav...
The layered muffin is an individual sized quick bread product with two layers. Muffins in...
A tasty kichidi made with healthy jowar, this one-dish meal is also quite exotic due to ...
A delicious pasta dish with fresh spinach and fresh cream. Creamy spinach pasta looks an...
This is a traditional kerala dessert made for occasions and it is easy to prepare and tas...
Palak Puri Recipe is a nice combination of spinach, wheat flour, ragi and maize flour.
About Recipe
Bachchali koora, Pasalai keerai, Palang sag |
Pamie Forte Posted on Sun Mar 23 2014
I enjoy your husband's recipes so much but also glad you've joined him too. However, his youtube posts usually has the recipes included. Will you be posting your written recipes? Thank you. I enjoy your recipes too! :-)?
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