A big fillet of seabass fish just marinated with garlic and butter and seasoning and bake...
Rustic chutney from western part of india....
Bottle gourd burfi or Lauki ki Lauj can be prepared on festivals or eaten as a fruit diet...
Instant oats dosa, a healthy and easy to make mouthwatering crepe is a perfect breakfast ...
This is a south Indian tiffin recipe served for breakfast and it is easy, healthy and ins...
Idiyappam is a favorite breakfast in Kerala. Idiyappam upma is easy to prepare healthy r...
Bruschetta is an antipasto from Italy consisting of grilled bread rubbed with garlic and topped with olive oil and salt.
imple appetizer - the balsamic vinegar gives it a little kick. Best if the mixture has 1 or 2 hours to blend flavors before serving.
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