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Aloo palak is a very easy and simple recipe with a combination of cubed potatoes and chopped spinach cooked with masalas and red dry chillies. Serve this subzi hot with rotis or parathas.
Oily Spinach Potatoes or Aloo Palak is an extremely scrumptious dish with amazing flavours and yummy to taste. This is a classic Punjabi dish prepared with small pieces of potatoes cooked with spinach and spices making it... Read More..
About Recipe
Bachchali koora koora, Pasalai keerai Kuzhambu, Palang sag torkari |
Oily Spinach Potatoes or Aloo Palak is an extremely scrumptious dish with amazing flavours and yummy to taste. This is a classic Punjabi dish prepared with small pieces of potatoes cooked with spinach and spices making it an appetizing side dish that goes with roti, rice, chapatti or poori. This dish is prepared with little extra oil, which actually enhances the taste and flavours and can be easily mixed with rice and eaten. Generally the labour class or people doing labour work eat rice with one type of curry adding extra oil so that they could mix it with rice and eat instead of making it a dry curry.
Aloo or Potato and Spinach or Palak are very common and popular ingredients used almost in our daily cooking. Potatoes are a favourite tuber with kids and love to eat whenever served. Adding more nutrition to it makes it a much healthier dish. Potatoes are high in starch and carbohydrates while spinach is rich in iron and minerals, this makes a perfect meal for kids and adults served with roti or rice. Oily Spinach Potatoes is a classic combination with simple ingredient yet delicious, quick and healthy loaded with the satisfaction of cooking a home meal. The taste and texture of spinach, maintaining the green colour and shine of potatoes is drooling and enticing to the taste buds.
Potato/ Aloo Potato is one of the most valued and sought after vegetable that most of us love to eat whichever way it is cooked. The simplest dish of potato in Indian food is the potato dish in itself. Potato can be eaten boiled, baked, stir-fried, deep fried adding some very simple ingredients to very exotic flavours to make it more flavourful and appetizing. A simple boiled potato mash with little salt and spiced with chillies, flavoured with coriander leaves is filled into the dosa to make a scrumptious Masala dosa, a popular breakfast dish in the southern part of India.
Potato is a versatile tuber and can be used with almost every Indian vegetable preparation usually combined with cauliflower, or cabbage or capsicum or even brinjal. It is also added to many meat dishes in India like Fish and Potato Curry, Mutton and Potato Curry etc. In northern most state of Kashmir, potatoes are added into delicious and luscious gravy namely Potatoes in yogurt curry Dahi Aloo, made of yogurt and strong whole spices. Aloo recipes Potatoes and spinach blend exceptionally well together in most Indian recipes, especially when combined with delectable combination of spices. This dish has rich elements of cumin, ginger garlic flavours and aromatic Indian spices.
This dish makes a great side dish very similar to other dishes like:
Dum Aloo Poppy Seed Potatoes Aloo Posto Sour Potato Curry Aloo Dahi Ka Salan Jackfruit And Aloo Curry Beans Aloo Curry Almost all of love eating potatoes for their delectable buttery taste! Potatoes contain vitamins, minerals and fiber but are known for carbohydrate content. They are good for you as long as you prepare them in a healthy manner. Oily Spinach Potatoes is an excellent side dish cooked with less spices and could be served with any main dish and roti, puri or parathas.
Aloo and Spinach are great vegetables that goes well combined together or can also be cooked on its own or added to other vegetables, meats etc. They are truly explicit vegetables full of nutrition and spinach is one of the secret greens that make your food rich full of vitamin A and C plus rich in fiber. It is also rich in vitamin C, fiber and carotenoids. Spinach is a nutritional powerhouse and is recommended by dieticians to eat in any form in our daily meal.
Healthy Spinach recipes:
There are number of dishes that can be made with spinach that include:
palak dal (spinach and lentils stew), palak paneer (spinach and Indian cottage cheese), palak moong dal fry (spinach cooked with moong dal and spices), palak biryani etc.
How to make Oily Spinach Potatoes – Aloo Palak:
2 | tbsp | Chilly powder |
1 | tbsp | Coriander powder |
1 | tsp | Cumin seeds |
1 | tbsp | Ginger garlic paste |
1/4 | tsp | Hing |
1 | tsp | Mustard seeds |
1 | cup | Potato |
to taste | Salt | |
1 | cup | Spinach |
1/4 | tsp | Turmeric |
Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, hing, ginger garlic paste, and add potatoes.
Sauté till the raw flavours are gone.
Add turmeric, spinach and cover the pan with a lid and cook for some time on a medium flame.
Add chilli powder, coriander powder, salt and cook for 3 minutes. Switch off the flame.
Serve this hot with chapattis, rice.
Most of these dishes are justly healthy and is one of the best ways to give kids a healthy meal. Kids generally hate eating greens just boiled etc., when mixed with other ingredients and spices; it rightly brings out the flavours and tastes of all ingredients fetching out an amazing dish. Oily Spinach Potatoes or Aloo Palak is a very common dhaba dish available on most highways along the North Indian region.
Do try this recipe and enjoy its authentic flavours. Click on the below link for detailed recipe:
Imran Khan Midas Posted on Sat Sep 14 2013
Love you man! When my kids insist to have some awesome food then I have to prepare for them and I have to see you Master Precipices........! Thank you.
Reply 0 - RepliesVinod Menon Posted on Wed Sep 25 2013
Sorry to be critical you seem to be a good cook, however how is this video useful if you dont mention the ingredients and approx quantity. Also you have not mentioned approx time to cook Potato & spinach and for the overall dish. Everyone is not
Reply 0 - RepliesGajendran B Posted on Wed Sep 25 2013
You could find in his website "vahrehvah" :)...
Reply 0 - RepliesVinod Menon Posted on Sun Oct 06 2013
Tried it came out beautifully - I cooked potato for approx 15 min before adding Spinach and cooking again for 6 mins
Reply 0 - RepliesVinay Karadia Posted on Sun Oct 13 2013
I love cooking. Most of dishes I learn many dishes from your videos. thank you :-)
Reply 0 - RepliesGayathri Seshadri Posted on Tue Nov 26 2013
Good one..!! :) Came out really well..:)Thank you?
Reply 0 - Repliesayaanincredible Posted on Mon Dec 23 2013
Your cooking is awesome. Thanks for the effort.?
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Jayanthi Nagarajan Posted on Sat Jul 22 2017
Excellent recipe.im your grt fan.you really inspire me to cook new dishes. Thanks a lot Sanjay sir.
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