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Chutney made with bitter melon and it is good for controlling diabetics.

Serve it with roti.

How to make the tasty recipe procedure as follows:

Serve it with roti.

How to make the tasty recipe description mentioned here,Chutney made with bitter melon and it is good for controlling diabetics.



Serve it with roti.


Chutney made with bittermelon and it is good for controlling  diabetics. Bitter Melon chutney is a very exceptional, fast to prepare and healthy dish that we must include in our diet. The bitter melon chutney is an amalgamation of bitter melon, spices etc blended to coarse paste making the chutney in a jiffy. As the bitter melon pieces are bitter to taste, they are initially boiled in water along with a pinch of turmeric pd and salt that helps in removing the bitterness.


These boiled pieces are spiced with green chillies, earthy flavor from cumin seeds, tanginess from tamarind, garlic flavor and sweetness from jaggery and onion, all combined together and grinded to coarse paste. This fatta fat chutney taste is extremely refreshing when eaten with chapatti, roti, paratha etc. The combination of tamarind and jaggery mixed in the chutney smothers the bitterness and blends well in making the chutney delectable and appetizing. Tamarind is valued mainly for its slightly sweet, sour and tangy taste. Tamarind in Indian cuisine is an important ingredient in curries and chutneys.

Recipe:Fatta Fat Chutney – Bitter Melon Chutney

  1. Bitter Melon                     -       100 gms

  2. Turmeric pd                     -       1 pinch

  3. Salt                                     -       to taste

  4. Cumin seeds                    -       ½ tsp

  5. Green chillies                  -       3 nos

  6. Garlic                                -       5 nos

  7. Jaggery                             -       1 tbsp

  8. Tamarind, soaked         -       10 gms

  9. Onion                               -       1 no

  10. Curry leaves                    -       1-2 sprigs


  1. Cut bitter melon into roundels and remove the seeds.

  2. Heat water in vessel, add the bitter melon roundels, pinch of turmeric pd, salt and cover the vessel with the lid on. Cook until the bitter melon is tender.

  3. In a blender, add cumin seeds, green chillies, garlic, jaggery, salt and soaked tamarind. Also add few curry leaves sprigs and blend to coarse paste.

  4. Add boiled bitter melon pieces, onion pieces and blend to coarse paste.

  5. Transfer the mixture in a bowl.

  6. Serve with roti.

Often you find many of us running away from a dish made with Karela or Bitter melon, but little do we understand that it is one of the most wonderful and nutritious vegetable that is power packed with various vitamins, nutrients etc. Bitter melon acts as an excellent blood purifier and is often recommended to eat during the onset of summer. Regular consumption of bitter melon helps in preventing from various diseases like diabetes, hypertension, blood disorders, skin infection, fungal diseases etc.


Bitter melon is a rich source of vitamin A, B1, B2, C and Iron. It also increases the body’s resistance powder. Bitter melon or bitter gourd is a tropical and subtropical vegetable widely grown in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean for its edible fruit, which has a rough, warty skin and is the most bitter among all fruits. Bitter melon is generally consumed cooked in the green or early yellowing stage. The young shoots and leaves of the bitter melon are also being eaten as greens.


Karela is a vegetable that is very popular throughout India. It is often prepared with potatoes and served with yoghurt on the side to reduce the bitterness or used as subzi in North India. Stuffed Karela is also a very popular side dish in most Indian homes. The stuffed karela is very delicious and not bitter to taste. In southern India, the karela is mixed with freshly grated coconut and fried or even added in the popular Sambar to make it a healthy and nutritious dish.


This vegetable is also popular in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam and Trinidad and Tobago. The vegetable is prepared in many different variations to suit their taste. Karela fry is best when served with hot tandoori bread, naan, chapati or rice and lentil. Bitter gourd has been found to have great medicinal value. In fact, it is said to have antidote, antipyretic tonic, appetizing, stomachic, and laxative properties.


This is the main reason why the vegetable is used in a number of native medicines of Asia and Africa. Bitter melon has enormous health benefits and nutritional value and benefits. Bitter gourd has been associated with lowering sugar levels in people suffering from diabetes. It is also said to be helpful in fighting against cancer and a number of infections. Regular consumption of bitter gourd has been associated with prevention as well as treatment of hypertension.


Do try this luscious, refreshing and appetizing fatta fat chutney which will surely delight your palate with its euphoric taste. I am sure that you are super delighted to prepare this fatta fat chutney, then why delay?? Hurry up and check out the making of this dish and do prepare for your family and enjoy eating this awesome Fatta fat bitter melon chutney. If you wish to look out for many more yummy, appetizing and exotic recipes, feel free to click at: www.vahrehvah.com My rating: 4 stars:  ★★★★☆ 1 review(s) You could always reach me at my below links:


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