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Stir fried Turkey cooked in Oriental style is an amazing meat preparation that is absolutely... Read More..
About Recipe
Kodi vepudu, varuval, Muragira mansa Bhaja |
Stir fried Turkey cooked in Oriental style is an amazing meat preparation that is absolutely flavorful, is an amalgamation of sweet, sour and hot essence mixed together giving the dish an exotic taste on bite. This explicit stir fry turkey cooked in Oriental style goes well with rice or noodles. It is also a perfect stir fry blend that features a mix of tang from ginger, garlic, chilli paste, brown sugar, exotic slurry made with a mix of tomato ketchup, light soya sauce, dark soya sauce and little vinegar, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and spring onions tossed with other ingredients engulfing the savor into them.
This is low sodium and heart healthy dish as turkey is said to be lean meat with less fat. This is also a perfect snack dish or side to any meal. Turkey is a very popular and the common main dish of a Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving is also sometimes colloquially called as ‘Turkey Day’. A huge roast turkey is the center piece on the dinner table for the Thanksgiving Day. Often most Thanksgiving turkeys are stuffed with bread based mixture and roasted.
They are also roasted with traditional herbs and veggies. Nowadays, deep fried turkey is rising in popularity. This Stir fried Turkey cooked in Oriental Style is an awesome dish that can be made for a Thanksgiving Day. Kids would love to eat them just like that. Stir frying like sautéing is an excellent method of cooking, quickly cooks the turkey in little oil. It is a fast paced cooking method hence it’s very important that all ingredients are kept ready before beginning to cook.
Turkey is a great source of nutrients and a valuable source of proteins. Skinless turkey is low in fat and is dark meat. The turkey meat is a good source of iron, zinc, potassium and phosphorus. It is also a source of vitamin B6 and niacin, which are both essential for the body’s energy production. Regular turkey consumption aids lower cholesterol levels and can help keep insulin levels stable. Having cooking in the stir fried method; all flavors fantastically overwhelm together keeping the essence intact and are highly flavorful.
Do try and enjoy its splendid taste.
How to prepare Stir Fried Turkey Oriental Style:
To make the slurry:
Presenting these exotic, exceptional and absolutely delectable Stir Fried Turkey cooked in Oriental Style is just craving me to eat them; hence I will have to just cut short and rush to grab some of my favorite turkey dishes. Yeah! Do not worry; I will keep continuing my quest in showcasing from of my most favorite recipes. But do remember that whatever you do, just make sure you follow the technique and instructions right to make the dish perfect and delicious. If you wish to try more appetizing recipes, then feel free to click on: You could always reach me at my below links:
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Enjoy Cooking! Keep Smiling…
MrPaprcka Posted on Thu Nov 28 2013
Brown sugar - 1 cup? Please amend your written recipe!?
Reply 0 - RepliesLidija Tisina Posted on Thu Nov 28 2013
????????? ??? ?? ???????? ????????, ????????? ?? ? ????????? ????? ??????? ???? ????????, ? ?????? ??? ?????????? ???? ??? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ??? ?????, ????? ???????????, ??? ???????? ????? ?????? ?????, ? ??????????? ??????? ?????
Reply 0 - RepliesNragedXX Posted on Thu Nov 28 2013
My favourite YouTube chef and as always bringing the best recipes and food!! ?
Reply 0 - RepliesMehul Patel Posted on Thu Nov 28 2013
Looks great sir as always! Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. I have suggestion because I enjoy all the varieties you post-- how about doing a state culinary tour series? Maybe do some staple dishes from various states in India that infuse th
Reply 0 - Repliessiddharth gode Posted on Fri Nov 29 2013
enough of the indian recipes..... you are repeating a lot of the masalas and is getting boring... start doing outside indian recipes.. we do get many ingredients now a days and can make most of them ?
Reply 0 - Replies3rsurrender Posted on Sat Nov 30 2013
Dear chef pls teach me how to make pastry.. and oh ya, i wanna noddle or chaowmien recipe also...?
Reply 0 - RepliesGreeneyez Posted on Mon Dec 02 2013
1 cup of brown sugar ??? I think he meant 1 tsp !!!!! ?
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SURAJ DEWANGAN Posted on Thu Nov 28 2013
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