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Kadboli, typically is a mixture of rice flour, salt, ajwain, cumin seeds, chilli powder, turmeric powder, all mixed together, and rolled into rings and air-fried until done and crisp.
Kadboli or Chegodilu is a very popular traditional Indian savory snack especially prepared during festivals or served as tea-time snack. This savory snack is often prepared in the states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. It is commonly called as Kolavadai or kodbale in Karnataka.
Kadboli/ Chegodilu:
Kadboli or Chegodilu is a very popular traditional Indian savory snack especially prepared during festivals or served as tea... Read More..
About Recipe
Kadboli/ Chegodilu:
Kadboli or Chegodilu is a very popular traditional Indian savory snack especially prepared during festivals or served as tea-time snack. This savory snack is often prepared in the states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. It is commonly called as Kolavadai or kodbale in Karnataka. Air fried Kadboli is an exceptional snack prepared in the Philips airfryer making them extremely yummy to eat. These Air fried Kadboli are total guilt-free, easy to cook, very crispy and delicious snacks. They are not deep fried in oil but prepared with modern technology using the air frying method in the Philips airfryer.
Kadboli, typically is a mixture of rice flour, salt, ajwain, cumin seeds, chilli powder, turmeric powder, all mixed together, and rolled into rings and airfried until done and crisp. There are various ways of making the Kadboli. Few recipes call for chickpea, urad and moong dal flour(s) added with rice flour and prepared. This same snack which is known as kodbale in Karnataka is made with rice and urad flour. The final product is extremely crunchy and ones you put it in your mouth it gives a ‘crunch’ ‘crunch’ sound while you munch the snack. That’s how it should actually be. Though the snack does not have a smooth outer surface but taste-wise it’s just perfect and craves you in eating more.
Do try preparing these yummy and crunchy Kadboli which is absolutely easy to carry to school, while travelling in trains etc. Kids would just love to eat and will surely ask for more.
Do watch the making of these unique, healthy and nutritious Air fried Kadboli.
Recipe of Air Fried Kadboli/ Chegodilu:
Eating healthy and nutritious food is one of the most vital elements in our life. There is numerous health applications designed for people to use in their daily lives that promote healthy eating habits. Touching, tasting, preparing, and smelling foods can evoke positive emotional responses such as feelings of relaxation, pleasure, and nostalgia. Hence do acknowledge and encourage new creative ideas to eat healthier foods using modern technologies which will form the basis of making a healthy meal.
You could always reach me at my website for more amazing nutritious and enticing snack recipes at:
Enjoy Cooking and always remember that:
“VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
hamza nabil Posted on Wed Aug 20 2014
For many years I enjoyed watching your videos and I always wanted to try one of them. I never did so far because I found it too difficult to guess how much you put of the ingredients. Please make more effort and write precise measurements of the ingr
Reply 0 - Repliesshravan kumar Posted on Thu Aug 21 2014
How can I participate in the quiz that u have mentioned? Plz reply?
Reply 0 - RepliesAnitha Kavati Posted on Thu Aug 21 2014
mention exact proportion of water and rice flour?
Reply 0 - RepliesHari Narayanan Posted on Fri Aug 22 2014
Chef, I have experimented ur recipes. It has come out well. This recipe dint work for me, it turned out to sticky glue.may be nature of rice flour.Could you be specfic on rice flour you used. Is this the soaked rice, dried and powdered??
Reply 0 - RepliesAmani Irani Posted on Sun Aug 31 2014
The sounds he makes while tasting his foods ???????????? My all-time favorite chef!!!?
Reply 0 - RepliesHaresh Pillay Posted on Mon Sep 01 2014
thanks for the share just love your recipes short and simple ?
Reply 0 - RepliesPriyanka Chowdhry Posted on Wed Sep 10 2014
kindly tell us some wet recipies like bread pakoda and meduvada on air frier?
Reply 0 - RepliesDwarakamai Posted on Thu Jun 11 2015
Wow! Chef your new kitchen gadgets look so good ,I like those rings which I used to call when I was a child!?
Reply 0 - Repliessravanti kappala Posted on Fri Jul 24 2015
Chef, unfortunately baking soda mixed in my rice flour, using this can I make this dish???
Reply 0 - Replies
Bindu K Posted on Wed Aug 20 2014
can we fry those in oil as i dont hav dat philip thing??
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