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Taro root (Arbi) tikki is one of the most tastiest kebab which just tastes like any non veg kebab. Its a very easy and tasty snack recipe with its own crispiness.
Veggy Party Kebab is an amazing, comforting snack made with Taro root ... Read More..
About Recipe
Veggy Party Kebab is an amazing, comforting snack made with Taro root commonly known as Arbi or Chamagadda mixed with a variety of nutritious and colorful veggies, fresh herbs along with few spices, which is also mixed together with roasted chana dal flour, made into kebab shape and shallow fried until crisp and golden in colour.It is a fantastic vegetarian veggy party kebab that is nutritious and healthy to eat. It is very easy to prepare and kebab made with taro root taste extremely awesome and just tastes like any non-vegetarian kebab. The taro root or arbi gives a nice crispness and texture to the kebab apart from taste. Taro root (Arbi) tikki is one of the most tastiest kebab which just tastes like any non veg kebab.
Do try this recipe and you’ll surely keep making it to satisfy your taste buds. To try more luscious and appetizing Taro root is a starchy tuber vegetable that looks like, and can be used similar to, a potato. They can be used as an alternative to potatoes. However, they somewhat have a nut-like flavor when cooked. Common uses for taro roots include frying, baking, roasting, boiling, or steaming them as an accompaniment to meat dishes. They are also often used in soups or stews. Additionally, vegetarians have found the cooked taro root to be a delicious addition to meals such as antipasto salads that include endives, peppers, tomatoes, chicory, and fresh herbs.
Another reason that the taro root has gained in popularity for cooking purposes is because its starch is easily digestible. Additionally, taro roots or chamagadda are extremely nutritious as they provide a good source of fiber, contain a high amount of protein, calcium, and phosphorus, and supply approximately 95 calories per adult serving. Taro is a very common dish served with or without gravy; a popular dish is arvi gosht, which includes lamb or mutton in North India. The taro is either made like fritters or steamed for the morning breakfast in the state of Karnataka. In Kerala there are known as chembu kizhangu and is used as a staple food, as a side dish or sometimes added to the sambar or prepare a taro root chutney with fresh grated coconut.
In other Indian states, Tamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh, taro corms are known as sivapan-kizhangu, chamagadda or in coastal Andhra districts as chaama dumpa in Telugu, and cooked in many ways, deep fried in oil for a side item with rice, or cooked in a tangy tamarind sauce with spices, onion and tomato called as the Chamagadda pulusu. The hulled variety of mung beans is called Moong dal. The flavour of moong dal is refreshing and crisp with a touch of sweetness. When the outer skin is removed, moong beans are light yellow in colour. They are split and flat and cook quickly. They are relatively easy to digest.
The yellow split moong dal is used in making any other type of Dal added with tomatoes, chillies and spices or they are added with rice to make Khichdi and vadas which are quite popular. Moong dal as such is very healthy, adds protein, fiber and nutrients packed to your snacking in a tasty crispy package. These lentil based fritters are best enjoyed hot with green chutney. The yellow gram like other lentils is good source of protein and dietary fibre. They are low in fat and rich in B-complex, vitamins, calcium and potassium. Do try this amazing snack recipe which will surely be a very delightful dish to treat your family and friends.
Do click on the below link and enjoy cooking with new variations and twist in taste.
My rating: 4 stars: ★★★★☆ 1 review(s)
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Enjoy Cooking and always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
chakkra chakkra Posted on Wed Dec 31 2014
Its nice . Something new, people All forgot this root veg,i hope this is useful. For food lover s. ?
Reply 0 - RepliesMsTubtubs Posted on Fri Jan 02 2015
Would moong dal flour work for things like this?I bought a packet and don't know what to do with!thanks?
Reply 0 - Repliesvasundhra rathi Posted on Sun Jan 04 2015
I love cooking nd learning this adds one more recipe in my life....thnku so much?
Reply 0 - Repliesmoon 22 Posted on Wed Jan 07 2015
?????? ???????? ????? ???? ????????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ????? .?
Reply 0 - RepliesBanu R Posted on Wed Jan 07 2015
i luv this root. But didn't know this. going to try soon.thanks.?
Reply 0 - RepliesSatish Shekar Posted on Thu Jan 08 2015
Awesome dude!! I like it.. :) Trying this Saturday.. ?
Reply 0 - RepliesDan Webster (Paw Paw) Posted on Tue Jan 13 2015
Reply 0 - RepliesTanmay Dey Posted on Wed Jan 14 2015
Sir please, PLEASE upload Chicken Chaap Recipe........... +VahChef ?
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jlebrech Posted on Tue Dec 30 2014
could you recommend which plants to grow the in the garden to go with your recipes??
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