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Mutton bones rasam is a luscious, flavorful, tangy and spicy soup made of tender mutton bones.
Mutton bones rasam is a luscious, flavourful, tangy and spicy soup made of tender mutton bones and fat cooked with punchy aromatic spices that every sip you take will tickle your taste buds. Every tit-bit of the fatty mutton piece when eaten would burst out with flavourful juices and dribble... Read More..
About Recipe
koora, Kuzhambu, torkari |
Mutton bones rasam is a luscious, flavourful, tangy and spicy soup made of tender mutton bones and fat cooked with punchy aromatic spices that every sip you take will tickle your taste buds. Every tit-bit of the fatty mutton piece when eaten would burst out with flavourful juices and dribble you asking for more. This dish goes well with cooked naan or rice. This meat rasam is somewhat like a thin running shorba, highly flavourful, unique to taste and is spicy.
It is one of the best dishes that you should have on a rainy day or if you are suffering with cold. Mutton bones rasam is highly nutritious and a healthy dish especially for growing children. The flavour of curry and mint leaves gives a freshness to the rasam and the heat from different spices which includes red chillies, pepper corns, cumin, coriander seeds, fennel seeds, ginger, garlic and shallot, all mixed together, made into a spice mix add a zesty savor to the rasam.
Foods from the meat group such as red meat, poultry, fish, eggs etc provide nutrients that are vital for health and maintenance of your body, but however, you should also remember that choosing foods from this group are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Hence, foods eaten from this group should be consumed in moderation. Mutton bones rasam is a very popular healing foods that is recognized for it’s incredible health benefits.
Most of the bones soups or rasam are staples in the traditional diets of every culture and the basis of all fine cuisine. Mutton bone rasam is hugely nutrient-dense, easy to digest, extremely delectable and are boost healing. Cooking of the meat bones, marrow, and skin etc causes the bones to release healing compounds like glycine, collagen, proline and glutamine which have the powder to transform your health. It is said that most of these nutritious bone rasam or soups were considered as traditional pricy supplements as they aid in relieving inflammation, arthritis and joint pains as they contain minerals in forms that your body can easily absorb like calcium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, and sulphur etc.
Red meat is highly prized and these meat delicacies are especially prepared to grace marriages, parties and special events. They are absolutely rich in taste, aroma and flavor. The fragrance and aroma lingering makes one and all the urge to grab food. It makes you feel like you had a wholesome hearty meal raging out with delightful taste. To try this exceptional Mutton bones rasam, go ahead watch the making of this recipe.
How to prepare Mutton bones Rasam:
For the spice mix:
The highlight of this dish is that it is a very comforting, refreshing and soothing to eat. The flavours from each and every spice giving out its goodness into the dish making the rasam really delectable and tasty when cooked! I wish you all must surely try this recipe as it’s just worth experiencing. To get hold of some of your favorite recipes, do click on www.vahrehvah.com You could always reach me at my below links:
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Enjoy Cooking! Keep Smiling…
pavan konduru Posted on Thu Aug 15 2013
Sanjay bhai!!! can we have authentic nellore chepala pulusu?
Reply 0 - Repliesbarkas mahesh Posted on Fri Aug 16 2013
sanjay if we need tempering...what we should add can u reply me
Reply 0 - Repliesjp gummadi Posted on Fri Aug 16 2013
Put one tea spoon of oil..and saute the masala paste then add to that mutton soup...it will give even more taste. ..nothing rawness will there in masala after saute that...
Reply 0 - RepliesDaniel Peach Posted on Sat Aug 17 2013
Dear chef, it would be awesome to see a video about picking out the best mutton and what parts of the goat to use depending on the dish. Thank you
Reply 0 - Repliesmohan reddy Posted on Fri Aug 23 2013
hi sanjay,wow wow wow you are going to host in telugu gemini tv.its great.you are growing day by day like a chinese bamboo.we are eagerly waiting for the programe of yours.my wife was a big fan of you.she was very exited that you are making programe
Reply 0 - RepliesAnjali Kumar Posted on Sun Aug 25 2013
I don't understand this guy.. he know hoe to say rasam which is a Tamil word but when comes to greeting he doesn't say Vanakam!!!
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pavan konduru Posted on Thu Aug 15 2013
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