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Chicken Coxinha are yummy stuffed snack dish. This amazing... Read More..
About Recipe
Chicken Coxinha are yummy stuffed snack dish. This amazing and scrumptious Chicken Coxinha is influenced from the latino cuisine which is a popular snack in Brazil consisting of shredded or minced chicken added with mild spices and covered in a dough, shaped like a modak, crumbed and air fried to perfection. The Chicken Coxinha is extremely luscious, finger-licking and cannot resist the tasty delicacy. It has an amazing crusty crunch on the exterior side and is enjoyably cheesy and delectable inside. Kids just love to eat. The dough is made with all-purpose flour mixed with the broth of the chicken which enhances the flavour of the coating. The traditional way of cooking the Coxinha is by deep frying the spiced chicken stuffed mixture and is generally shaped to resemble a chicken leg. Looks very interesting and alluring!
Chicken is one of the most sought after poultry food that kids love eating. Kids love eating varied fried snacks like fried chicken, chicken nugget, chicken 65, tandoori chicken, chicken Manchurian, pepper chicken and the list is just never ending. If you are into eating healthy foods than this is an brilliant chicken snack that is cooked in a healthy way. Air frying is one of the best way of cooking the foods so that you use hardly any oil or fat, is mess free and can also cook fresh on the table right in front of your guests.
They are best served as starters or appetizers and tastes extremely good with any mayo based dip. Kids love eating this type of snacks rather than eating rice, roti etc etc. Preparing fresh foods at home is the key for making delicious foods as per your taste. When it’s homemade, you could also take the liberty of adjusting the spices, use good tender pieces of meat and keep it healthy and all this is surely worth the indulgence to delight your taste buds.
Most of these Chicken fried recipes are easy to prepare and tempts each and every one as the fragrance and aroma lingering around the kitchen while preparing craves for more. The chicken coxinha is an excellent combination of crunchy exterior and juicy meat inside. I am sure you’ll also give this recipe a try or else you are really missing the chance of delighting your family and friends with good and delicious food. If you wish to try more air fried chicken recipes, and then feel free to click on: My rating: 4 stars: ★★★★☆ 1 review(s) You could always reach me at my below links:
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Enjoy Cooking and always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
Thiago Manel Posted on Fri Oct 31 2014
coxinha com sotaque indiano. BRICS soft power :)?
Reply 0 - RepliesLigia Caldwell Posted on Sat Nov 01 2014
ha ha so fun! I am from Brazil and that would sound kinda like "kosheenia" so delicious and very popular back in my home country... (I appreciate your attempt, chef) ?
Reply 0 - Repliesreadyset Posted on Mon Nov 03 2014
Do you have a video on that grinder blender in the back? It looks so interesting I want to see you use it!?
Reply 0 - RepliesVamsi Krishna Reddy Posted on Sun Dec 21 2014
I had this item when i went to Rio de janeiro, Brazil. It was super amazing and haven't found it anywhere where else. Taste was really smooth and cheese was enhancing the whole experience.?
Reply 0 - RepliesSonia Carrilho Miss Coxinha Posted on Sun Jan 31 2016
I work with coxinhas 12 years in London, I love my job, the world needs to trying Coxinhas, the best snacks ever.if someone in london wanna try the best Coxinhas in the whole world add me on Facebook???? Sonia Ventura Carrilho #MissCoxinha?
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felmilward Posted on Fri Oct 31 2014
good, but not coxinha! ?
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