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Bajji is a quick and easy snack which can be prepared in just 15 minutes. It does not need much ingredients. You can prepare bajji with vegetables like brinjal, raw plantain, onion, chilli, baby corn, cauliflower etc.
Bajji or Bhaji or Bhajji is unique spicy Indian snack similar to the pakora or fritters Read More..
About Recipe
Bangaldumpa pakodi, Potatos , Aloo samuka |
Bajji or Bhaji or Bhajji is unique spicy Indian snack similar to the pakora or fritters made with several variants. It is a very popular tea time snack or often eaten during monsoon season. Bajjis are popular street food snack especially available in dhabas on highways. They are eaten generally with a piping hot cup of coffee or tea. A basic recipe of consists of chopped onions, flours like gram flour and rice flour, spices and herbs, all mixed together with little water and deep fried until golden in color. There are myriad variants of bajjis that is made with chillies, potatoes, eggplant, plantain, egg, etc.
Fritter is a name applied to a wide variety of fried foods, usually consisting of a portion of batter or breading which has been filled with bits of vegetable, meat, seafood, fruit, or other ingredients. One can make either savoury or sweet fritters. The savoury fritters are often eaten during snack or tea-time and breakfast at times.
Fritters are extremely popular roadside snacks available all over South Asia which are commonly known as Pakora/ Pakoda or Bhajji or bajji in local parlance. Fritters are exclusively dough or batter based food stuffs. A vegetable dipped and fried in a light crispy batter and served as common accompaniment to meals makes a filling meal when you crave for a yum snack to eat.
Serve hot with any sauce of your choice. Fresh homemade Goli bajji is an excellent way to treat your palate on any rainy day.
Do try them and enjoy the fantastic taste.
Do try these recipes and I am sure your family and kids would enjoy the taste.
If at all I have not mentioned any of your favourite bajji recipes then you could always click on at:
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Enjoy Cooking! Keep Smiling…
Deepak Jindal Posted on Sun Jun 16 2013
Its raining outside and having these right now..!!
Reply 0 - RepliesNaveen Ramanadhan Posted on Sun Jun 16 2013
chef, u r simply the great, more & more snacks please
Reply 0 - Repliesllux3 Posted on Sun Jun 16 2013
When you intro you should also say "vanakum" which is welcome in Tamil. You do have many Tamil viewers
Reply 0 - RepliesTheMiramens Posted on Sun Jun 16 2013
I like the composition of the final plates with the nice cut carrot leave and the other vegetables nicely put together. I see you have a creative director now working for you? Or is your wife the artistic part of your show? Very professional! Many co
Reply 0 - RepliesAmanda Rossouw Posted on Mon Jun 17 2013
chef there is nothing you make that I don't like. Everything I try from your show is a success with my family. Thank you and regards to everyone.
Reply 0 - RepliesJonathan Cohen Posted on Wed Jun 19 2013
Looks delicious! Does Bombay Basen mean gram flour?
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GdaTyler Posted on Sat Jun 15 2013
So delicious... mmmm
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