Ulli Kozhi1

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A must try for all spicy chicken loversGrind Small onions with chilli powder and salt well in a mixer. Marinate chicken with this mixture and set aside for 20 mins.Heat a pan and add 4 tsp coconut oil . Now add 3 tsp of Gingelly oil to it and mix well till it is hot. Then, add the marinated chicken into it , mix well and close the pan. Cook it on low flame till the chicken pieces turn soft and the gravy gets a thick consistency. Switch off the burner and add curry leaves into it and pour 1 tsp of coconut oil as well . Ulli Kozhi is now ready to be served with hot chappathis or rice.How to make the tasty recipe procedure as follows: Grind Small onions with chilli powder and salt well in a mixer. Marinate chicken with this mixture and set aside for 20 mins.Heat a pan and add 4 tsp coconut oil . Now add 3 tsp of Gingelly oil to it and mix well till it is hot. Then, add the marinated chicken into it , mix well and close the pan. Cook it on low flame till the chicken pieces turn soft and the gravy gets a thick consistency. Switch off the burner and add curry leaves into it and pour 1 tsp of coconut oil as well . Ulli Kozhi is now ready to be served with hot chappathis or rice.How to make the tasty recipe description mentioned here,A must try for all spicy chicken lovers



Grind Small onions with chilli powder and salt well in a mixer. Marinate chicken with this mixture and set aside for 20 mins.Heat a pan and add 4 tsp coconut oil . Now add 3 tsp of Gingelly oil to it and mix well till it is hot. Then, add the marinated chicken into it , mix well and close the pan. Cook it on low flame till the chicken pieces turn soft and the gravy gets a thick consistency. Switch off the burner and add curry leaves into it and pour 1 tsp of coconut oil as well . Ulli Kozhi is now ready to be served with hot chappathis or rice.
Turkey Thanksgiving
Chicken Ghee Roast
Korean style BBQ marinade.
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