a mouth wattering indonesian vegetarian dish.
First: cut your tempe like french fries and fry thme in oil until the are goldenbrown. Second: in another pan temper your red chillis, charlottes, garlic, shrimp paste in oil Then: put in you fried tempe and pethe beans and: put your tamerinde yuice en kecap and cook for 2 minutes (high flame) finish: put some past of lime in the pan and use the rest of jour lime to squize it over yor dish. Important is a good balance between the sweet (soya) and de souer tamerinde and lime juice. ( I like it a bit souer). Optional add green beans before you add the fried tempe Enjoy How to make the tasty recipe procedure as follows: First: cut your tempe like french fries and fry thme in oil until the are goldenbrown. Second: in another pan temper your red chillis, charlottes, garlic, shrimp paste in oil Then: put in you fried tempe and pethe beans and: put your tamerinde yuice en kecap and cook for 2 minutes (high flame) finish: put some past of lime in the pan and use the rest of jour lime to squize it over yor dish. Important is a good balance between the sweet (soya) and de souer tamerinde and lime juice. ( I like it a bit souer). Optional add green beans before you add the fried tempe Enjoy How to make the tasty recipe description mentioned here,a mouth wattering indonesian vegetarian dish.