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This mango salsa recipe is so easy, it takes just minutes to prepare. Simply toss the ingredients in your food processor, or chop and combine by hand. Either way, this simple mango salsa tastes divine. Use it as a dip for cooked prawns, or as a topping over grilled fish or chicken
Summer Salsa is a fantastic sweet, sour and tangy dipping made with ripe mangoes that is cut into small cubes and gently crushed in a mortar and pestle flavoured with ... Read More..
About Recipe
Mamidi pandu, Mam, Aam |
Summer Salsa is a fantastic sweet, sour and tangy dipping made with ripe mangoes that is cut into small cubes and gently crushed in a mortar and pestle flavoured with cumin seeds, coriander leaves and spiced with green chillies and piquancy from onions. The addition of little salt, lemon juice gives a tangy taste to the fresh summer salsa. It is a fresh, comforting and absolutely bursting with exotic flavors on bite. This mango dipping is often served with roasted papads, tortilla chips or any fried snack.
This salsa could also be used as a topping over grilled fish or chicken. The summer salsa is divine to taste, easy and very quick to prepare. It has no cooking hassles and can be made in a jiffy. Eating a barbecued chicken with this mango salsa is truly yum, soothing and cooling to the palate and tickles your taste buds with its super flavors and taste. You could also adjust the spiciness or heat as per your taste or else just add in a pinch of sugar that balances out the sour and spiciness of the dish.
Mango fruit is considered the king of all fruits is the most consumed fruit in the world. Ripe mangoes have a pleasant sweet tasting flesh though the taste differs across the different varieties available in the market. Mangoes, either unripe or ripe are widely used in making various dishes like the pickles, chutneys, different types of condiments, a popular summer drink popularly known as Panna or Asians most liked summer drink to beat the heat, Mango lassi.
Mangoes are also used in making jams, aamras, milk shakes, amchur, murabba, and juices. For few people, summer is the best season as they love eating mangoes. During summer, mangoes are extensively used in making milkshakes, toppings for ice creams, and desserts. Mangoes are commonly added to fruit salads and are also usually made into jams, jellies, and mango papad. Mangoes are added to meat and stir-fry dished in some places and also complements well with other fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, and papayas.
Mangoes are also added to pies, custards, tarts, gelatins and other pastries and desserts. Mangoes are also added to marinade or seasonings to enhance its tenderizing properties. This Mango summer salsa is a superlicious, delectable and a brilliant twist from making a regular traditional salsa. Just creative and new dimensions of flavors! Do watch the making and enjoy making this dip.
Recipe of Summer Salsa – Mango Dipping:
Tip: You could add a pinch of sugar which will enhance the taste and give a pleasant zing to the salsa. Do not use overripe mangoes to make this salsa, they should be firm and just ripe mango. Do try these recipes to keep yourself fit and healthy. To try more fantastic and appetizing recipes, do click on: https://www.vahrehvah.com You could always reach me at my below links:
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Enjoy Cooking! Keep Smiling…
Neththra'sVision Posted on Thu Apr 11 2013
Yes I really became a fantastic cook watching your videos, and I'll try this salsa and surprise my friends. dinchik..dinchik.. hehe :) Thanks so much chef Sanjay Thumma.
Reply 0 - RepliesChefmeeki Posted on Thu Apr 11 2013
Thats a Salsa I will try in a few weeks at a "Chilihead meeting".... ppl who are fond of chilis and hot food ;)
Reply 0 - RepliesUmm Hiba Mizna Posted on Thu Apr 11 2013
What is that word u use in introduction chef?? Salam alaikkum sasthreekaal?? What does that mean??
Reply 0 - Repliestskeeve9 Posted on Thu Apr 11 2013
They are just different ways of saying hello. Namaste - Hindu greeting, Salaam Aleikum - Muslim greeting, Sastrhreekaal - Sikh greeting
Reply 0 - RepliesAbay Singh Posted on Fri Apr 12 2013
Nice recipe. However i would let the salsa to sit for an hr to let the flavors fuze
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Jacqueline S Posted on Thu Apr 11 2013
Thanks chef! Seems like you're going all around the world with your recipes! Another good one...cheers!
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