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Roasting the vegetables really brings out their flavor in this dish. The soup is Oliver served with toast.
Roasted Pumpkin and Tomato Soup is one of the most flavorful dishes that has intense essence of the roasted pumpkin, tomato, onions and spices blend... Read More..
About Recipe
Tametokai koora, Takkali pazham Kuzhambu, Toamaatar torkari |
Roasted Pumpkin and Tomato Soup is one of the most flavorful dishes that has intense essence of the roasted pumpkin, tomato, onions and spices blended together making this soup thick, creamy and velvety. Roasting the pumpkin, tomatoes and onions gives a rich and strong zest with unique taste. Serve this soup with a slice of grilled bread or croutons. Pumpkin is a lovely vegetable, colorful, thick fleshed veggie and when cooked is soft and creamy giving an amazing texture to the soup.
Apart from its zesty taste, it comes packed with a bundle of healthy and nutritious elements. You could celebrate your day with the sweetness and flavor of the pumpkin, slight tanginess from the roasted tomatoes and onions all mixed together enhances the color, taste and is just extraordinary to experience. Tomato, an important ingredient used in the Indian cuisine , lovely red cute glossy shiny vegetable is almost used in every Indian curry that given a tangy taste to the dish. Varied recipes are prepared with this vegetable like the tomato sauce, ketchup, tomato juice, tomato puree, tomato rasam and so many to go in the list. Sugars, organic acids, free amino acids, and salts are the main taste components in a tomato.
The tomato fruit is consumed in varied ways, including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes and sauces, and in drinks. The fruit is rich in lycopene, which may have beneficial health effects. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that decreases the risk of certain cancers and heart disease. Cooked tomato products, sauces and juices contain higher amounts of lycopene than raw tomatoes due to greater concentration. Tomatoes are loaded with many, many health benefits. In fact, they are incredibly versatile and can be prepared in a seemingly endless number of dishes, as well as being great to eat alone.
Roasting tomatoes brings out some of the greatest flavors, but also actually makes them healthier for you. Roasted tomatoes make a great appetizer on bruschetta or in an antipasto platter; smear a bagel with cream cheese and top with a few roasted tomatoes for an amazing breakfast or snack. Do try this recipe as every bit of its taste is amazingly useful, a more delicious way to add it to your diet along with all the goodness that comes with it.
Recipe of Roasted Pumpkin Tomato Soup:
This is a beautiful classic roasted pumpkin and tomato soup mainly for its simplicity, freshness and exotic flavours. Soups are a delight especially during the rainy and winter seasons. It’s truly a comfort food, refreshing, full of flavours and aromatic. I hope that you all will also try preparing this soup and enjoy its taste. If you wish to try more, then
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Enjoy Cooking! Keep Smiling…
LifeEmbolden Posted on Sat Jun 01 2013
Really nice soup.Is it raining to India these days?I feel like you have been soaked by rain.Hahhaha... :)
Reply 0 - RepliesShovelware Posted on Sat Jun 01 2013
Pumpkin seedd almost alternate to viagra>? Seriously? Imma gonna eat lots of them right now!
Reply 0 - RepliesNeththra'sVision Posted on Sat Jun 01 2013
I like this soup with the aroma of herbs and olive oil a lot, and the pumpkin seeds are really important for the health, it's known to reduce anxiety and stress, also it lowers bad cholesterol(LDL) and increases good cholesterol(HDL) in the blood
Reply 0 - RepliesSadiq Shirazie Posted on Fri Jun 14 2013
Awesome easy and I can taste the richness of the soup right away. Thanks.
Reply 0 - RepliesRuth Robertson Posted on Sun Sep 22 2013
This is just what I was looking for, thank you. I have to do a shortcut version today but will definitely be coming back to this when all my pumpkins are ripe.
Reply 0 - RepliesNoe Rin Posted on Sat Sep 12 2015
I want the toast recipe. Tried looking for it on YouTube but I can't find anything like that toast.?
Reply 0 - RepliesShantanu Khandelwal Posted on Sat Jul 16 2016
Hi you've written 160' C in the description but it shows 200' C in the video can you clear that confusion? I tried making it today but the pumpkins didn't cook even after 45 min in 200' C. So I cooked it another 15-20 mins sk a lo
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Tvn Rahul Posted on Thu Aug 11 2016
very good recipe
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