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Cauliflower Miluguperatu


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Cauliflower Miluguperatu Recipe, How To Make Cauliflower Miluguperatu Recipe

Cauliflower Milagu Peratu is a dry fry side dish where cauliflower is blended with black pepper which gives a nice spicy flavor.

Cauliflower Milagu Peratu

Cauliflower milagu peratu... Read More..

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How to make cauliflower miluguperatu

(6 ratings)
86 reviews so far
Prep time
5 mins
Cook time
7 mins
Total time
12 mins
cauliflower miluguperatu
Author : Vahchef
Main Ingredient : Cauliflower
Servings : 2 persons
Published date : February 14, 2019

Ingredients used in cauliflower miluguperatu
• Red chilli - 3 numbers.
• Mustard seeds - pinch.
• Channa dal - 1 tablespoons.
• Urad dal - 1 teaspoons.
• Curry leaves - 2 springs.
• Coriander leaves - 1 springs.
• Green chili - 2 numbers.
• Garlic cloves - 4 numbers.
• Cumin seeds - pinch.
• Pepper - 1 teaspoons.
• Cauliflower - 1 numbers.
• Oil - 1 tablespoons.
• Water - as required.
• Hing - pinch.
  • First take oil for tempering, red chilli dry, mustard seeds, channa dal, urad dal, mix well then add hing.
  • Boil cauliflower and keep aside.
  • In a pestle, add garlic, cumin seeds, pepper and crush it add this to the tempering, mix well.
  • Now add chopped onion, curry leaves, chillies, mix it now add salt.
  • Now add cauliflower and mix well. Cook for 3 minutes and switch off the flame.

Cooking with images


Cauliflower Milagu Peratu

Cauliflower milagu peratu is a simple but yummy dish made of a combination of cauliflower and black pepper. This dish is commonly known as the cauliflower pepper fry. The taste of fresh black pepper blended with steamed cauliflower is refreshing. This is a very popular south Indian dish especially in Tamil Nadu. Cauliflower blended with black pepper is truly delicious and gives a nice spicy flavor. With regards to healthy eating and cooking of good food, cauliflower stands out in a class all of its own.


 Closely related to broccoli, it is of the same species as cabbage and Brussels sprouts. Cauliflower is an annual plant. It matures to be eaten only once per year and is cultivated from seeds. Cauliflower is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin K, folate, and potassium. It is a source high in dietary fiber. Certain strains of cauliflower can be colored orange or purple. No matter what the color, cauliflower is good for you. Cauliflower, a highly nutritious vegetable, contains many nutrients that can help prevent a range of diseases from cancer to cataracts.


 Cauliflower contains a compound that release sulfuric odor when heated. These odors become stronger with increased cooking time. To minimize odor, retain the vegetable's crisp texture, and reduce nutrient loss, cook the cauliflower for only a short time. Some phyto nutrients may react with iron in cookware and cause the cauliflower to take on a brownish color. To prevent this, add a bit of lemon juice to the water in which you blanch the cauliflower.


 Remember that three florets of cauliflower a day will provide you with 67% of your daily vitamin C requirement. When purchasing cauliflower, make sure the tops are white. If the floret has begun to spot brown or purple, it is past its nutritional peak. Serving the cauliflower raw will give you the highest nutritional benefits, however, if you must cook it, lightly steamed will also keep its cancer-fighting components intact.


To prepare this wonderful fry, first take oil for tempering add mustard seeds, dry red chillies, urad dal, channa dal and mix well then add hing (asafoetida). Boil the cauliflower and keep aside. In the ding chik, add some garlic, cumin seeds, pepper corns and crush it to a coarse paste and add this to the tempering and mix well. Now add the chopped onions, curry leaves, chillies and mix it now. Add salt and cauliflower florets and mix well. Cook for another 3 mins and switch off the flame. Amazing flavors of the crushed garlic, cumin seeds and black pepper combines with cauliflower, the taste is truly heavenly. You can serve this dish with roti, chapatti or rice too. To view the making of this dish at:


 Black pepper is an excellent spice and has many healthy properties. Black pepper is a spice that has the potential to make food more beneficial when used in various recipes and as a table spice. As far back as the ancient eras, the spice we know as black pepper actually had monetary value.  It was used in the market place and in other places in place of money.  It was used to appease ancient gods in the temples.  Even now, black pepper is a commonly used spice.  Fortunately for us, it is always in great supply and it costs very little.


 We get our black pepper from the pepper vine that can grow at least thirty feet tall in the stifling climates of the tropical parts of the world.  The pepper vines actually bear fruit—small white flowers that turn into berries called peppercorns. The medicinal benefits of black pepper reach beyond its taste and flavoring of your foods.  Of all of the benefits of this spice, it is its ability to enhance the function of the digestive tract that makes it a good reason to put it in the dishes you cook.


 Another benefit of black pepper is its ability to diminish the amount of gas in the intestinal tract.  This leads to less flatulence and bloating and is believed to be another benefit of increasing hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The good news is that all you need to do is put a little bit in your food every day.

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Exportlover Posted on Tue Nov 13 2007

ha first! Great video chef I will try this tomorrow

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sendevz Posted on Tue Nov 13 2007

ding chiku ding chiku masala... hahahaha... you must be having a good sense of humour...;) :)

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Dee Thakore Posted on Tue Nov 13 2007

well done! I used "ghee" when I make pau-bhaji dish.

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Aby Mathew Posted on Tue Nov 13 2007

Gasing Storied - That was funny! Ding Chik ding chik masala - funnier! 1/2 of the world's cauliflower is produced from China? We have to be careful then - they may have I content of lead in them like the toys that are getting recalled whic

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winane Posted on Wed Nov 14 2007

what does "ding chiku ding chiku" mean??

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intl123 Posted on Mon Feb 11 2008

dinkchikku dinkchikku masala! rotfl!

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intl123 Posted on Mon Feb 11 2008

nothing... it is the verbal form of any percussion music; mostly to mean something like "cool... way cool".

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edwin37 Posted on Sun Apr 20 2008

vah vah vah... ding chiku ding chiku masala

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madhavachief Posted on Sat Jul 19 2008

ding chiku ding chiku.....ding chicku - very funny !!!!!! - thanks for the recipe

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Douglas Gray Posted on Tue Sep 30 2008

Excellent man -you are a star.

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183044 Posted on Sat Oct 04 2008


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AbstractMan23 Posted on Wed Oct 29 2008

i made this tonight and it was AMAZING! thank you chef, i love watching your videos and learning. one thing- is the chana dal supposed to be crunchy???

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