The Exotic famous shikampuri Kebab which means 'belly-full' referring to the stuffing in ...
This is a very easy, filling, nutritious sandwich which is rich in protein. This makes a ...
Bread pudding is a simple yet delicious dessert made from stale leftover bread that is mo...
Pureed fresh mango gives this cheesecake a light and soft texture and subtle. Bake cake u...
A simple yet delicious kadi made with pineapple pieces cooked in coconut milk and spices....
Bread chaat, Corn chaat, Bread and mixed veg chat, Instant crouton and corn chat....
Potato pancakes were of my favorite sides that kids like occasionally served with dinners with added onion, garlic, flour, salt, pepper, and eggs then stir to combine.
About Recipe
Alu gaddalu annam, Urlai kizhangu sooru, Golalu chal |