Traditional Maharashtrian curry popularly known as Bharli Vangi or Stuffed Eggplant is an...
Sago Thalipeeth is a very easy and simple traditional Maharashtrian fasting dish prepared...
There is nothing like a soft, warm, homemade flour tortilla fresh from the oven. Once you...
This dish is essentially made up of 5 ingredients found widely across the Great Thar Dese...
Instant gravy powder can be prepared easily and stored in the fridge and used in preparin...
Use a muffin tin to create kid-friendly and perfectly portioned pasta dinners....
Gavvalu is a unique snack native to the region of Andhra. Gavvalu in Telugu means Shells, as they resemble the shape of shells, this snack got its name as Gavvalu.
There are both savory and sweet versions of gavvalu and this post is about the savory one.The particular shape is attained using a special gadget called gavvalu chekka or gavvalu peeta. It is a wooden board with ridges that comes different sizes.
About Recipe
Poonam Goswami Posted on Tue May 17 2016
Can we bake it instead of deep frying. . If yes temp and time plz.? . ?????
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Remya Unnikrishnan Posted on Tue Oct 13 2015
I tried these. They had a nice texture and a very good flavour. But i felt that they were a bit oily though i had made the dough stiff. is there any way to reduce the absorption of oil??
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