A combination of spinach and yogurt makes a delicious and nutritious raita. Palak raita, ...
Khajur Imli ki chutney is a sweet-sour recipe prepared with tamarind, jaggery and dates....
Ridge Gourd Peel Chutney tastes heavenly when mixed with rice along with a dash of til oi...
It is a very easy and spicy green ginger chutney. It is served with dosa....
This is a chutney recipe prepared with radish and tomato it is healthy and delicious chut...
This very tasty combination of radish and coconut made into a chutney goes very well with...
Khajoor Chutney is a North Indian recipe, made using dates. Learn the recipe of Khajoor Chutney by vahchef.
A sweet and sour date chutney that goes brilliantly with pani puri, alo chaat and all kinds of crispy snacks.
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