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Seethaphal Rabidi is a traditional indian dessert made with seasonal fresh custard.
Seethaphal Rabidi is a traditional Indian sweet dessert made with custard apple, whole fat milk flavored with little cardamom.... Read More..
About Recipe
Pala methai, Pal inippu, Dudha Misti |
Seethaphal Rabidi is a traditional Indian sweet dessert made with custard apple, whole fat milk flavored with little cardamom. The texture of this sweet delicacy is extremely rich, creamy, and silky that just slips down the palate very smoothly on eating. A very specially flavored rabidi made with awesome seasonal fruit. The Seethaphal Rabidi tastes yummy when it is served chilled.
It is a very simple to make this dish but cooking the rabidi is slightly tedious as you need to thicken the milk which is worth trying for its exotic taste. Often Rabidi is mildly sweetened and can also be made with kesar or saffron. This rabidi has an excellent taste of custard apple that also thickens the sweet and enhances the taste with its sweetness. The rabidi also gives a nice crunchy feel on bite by garnishing badam and pistachio flakes.
Custard apple is a fantastic seasonal fruit widely grown all over the world. Ripe custard apples are amazingly sweet to eat. This fruit is an absolute NO to diabetes patients as it has high sugar content. You can make a lot of other sweet varieties with custard apple like smoothies, ice-creams etc. Besides custard apple being a very delicious fruit, it also has many health and nutritional benefits.
Custard apple or Seethaphal as we say it in Hindi is a power-packed storehouse of vitamin C which is an anti-oxidant that aids in neutralizing free radicals. This fruit is also a good source of vitamin A which is good for hair, eyes and healthy skin. Custard apple is also a rich source of dietary fiber that aids in proper digestion. Seethaphal Rabidi is a must try dish worth of its grandeur taste which will surely be the highlight of any feast menu. Do try this salivating dessert recipe and enjoy the taste.
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Humera Rafi Posted on Fri Oct 24 2014
Hw did u remov tht pulp.. cld u pls shw tht chef..?
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