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Hyderabadi Kheema biryani is a fantastic dish made with mince meat and Basmati rice and some spices.
Hyderabadi Kheema biryani is a fantastic dish made with mince meat an... Read More..
About Recipe
Hyderabadi Kheema biryani is a fantastic dish made with mince meat and Basmati rice and some spices. Hyderabadi Kheema Biryani yet another exceptional and scintillating dish influenced from the Mughlai cuisine. This is a super delicious and divine, easy to prepare biryani with kheema (minced meat) and basmati rice cooked with fresh herbs and various other aromatics that makes the dish tempting and appetizing to eat.
Generally biryani is a very fond of dish by many especially most hard core non-vegetarian eaters. People who are just starting to eat biryani could try making this as it’s an easy to prepare dish and not very elaborate cooking method. The most important and highlighting part is the exotic flavor that makes the dish remarkable. Kheema is minced mutton or lamb and is popularly used in preparing a variety of Mughlai dishes such as Kheema-Roti, Kheema Matar curry, Kheema kebabs, etc.
Kheema is also used as filling for samosas and naans. Most non-vegetarians love eating lamb/ meat/ mutton or minced meat dishes than chicken dishes. Most of the meat dishes are rich, exotic to taste, mouth-watering, finger-licking and salivating.
Recipe of Hyderabadi Kheema Biryani:
For preparing this dish, the kheema is cooked first and rice half-cooked separately and kheema is added over the rice and steam cooked over slow flame so that all the flavors are combined well and the rice gets more palatable and unique to savor. This is a fantastic one-pot wholesome meal, extremely delicious and is best prepared to grace parties or special occasions. Red meat when cooked is highly valued and prized for its richness in taste, aroma and flavor.
The fragrance lingering around in absolutely alluring and feel like grabbing the food. This dish is prepared in the traditional dum style of cooking biryani where the meat and rice are partially cooked and arranged in layers and cooked under slow heat until done. In type of cooking, the flavors are exceptionally infused into the rice and tastes fantastic. The rice gets a nice grainy and fluffy texture while meat too gets cooked well.
Do try preparing this remarkably luscious Hyderabadi Kheema Biryani and I am sure your family would ask for more. Biryani is my favourite and I am sure by trying this recipe would be your favourite dish too.
For preparing more variety of scrumptious Biryani recipes and meat dishes, do click on: https://www.vahrehvah.com
My rating: 4 stars: ★★★★☆ 1 review(s)
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Enjoy Cooking and always remember that: “VahrehVah is all about inspiring others to cook”!
Syed Feroz Posted on Mon Dec 01 2014
what about the cloth with garam masala that was put into rice making?? when to remove it??
Reply 0 - RepliesTheScouseassassin Posted on Mon Dec 01 2014
one of the easiest and tastiest and easy Biryani?
Reply 0 - Repliesjkesar13 Posted on Mon Dec 01 2014
My mom is not a very big internet fan but chef your recipes r the best ?
Reply 0 - RepliesSravani Sravani Posted on Mon Dec 01 2014
Sir ur recipies r simply superb i tried ur recipies they cme very gud thank u so much very helpful recipies?
Reply 0 - RepliesSravani Sravani Posted on Mon Dec 01 2014
When v shld remove that garam masala cloth?
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AmeenChef Posted on Tue Apr 28 2020
Hi ji, I have been your fan since 2012. you are just amazing.This site is just lovely as it describes all the recipes very clearly as if you are cooking in front of us. My first attempt in cooking was your Hyderabadi chicken Briyani. I am here to lea
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