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Sukka Aloo methi dry curry, a Indian vegetarian Simple side dish for chapthi and roti.
Aloo Methi Recipe , Sukka Aloo methi dry curry, a Indian vegetarian Simple side... Read More..
About Recipe
Bangaldumpa vepudu, Uralaikilangu varuval, Aloo Bhaja |
Aloo Methi Recipe , Sukka Aloo methi dry curry, a Indian vegetarian Simple side dish for chapthi and roti. Aloo Methi is an awesome dry fry side-dish preparation made with aloo (potatoes) and methi (fenugreek leaves) cooked together with spices, amchur powder and lemon to give a tangy zest to the dish.
Aloo being the most favorite vegetable among kids would love eating this dry fry curry. Kids generally hate eating green leafy vegetable especially methi or fenugreek leaves. This would be one of the best variations to include healthy leafy vegetables in their diet. Potato is a popular vegetable worldwide and also a versatile tuber used in most chaat items. Potato flavour result from the combination of taste, texture and aroma. It complements with any type of vegetable or meats.
Directions Aloo Methi Curry
Methi is a very popular green herb which is also commonly known as fenugreek leaves in English, menthya in Kannada, menthe akulu in Telugu. They are used in making a lot of dishes in India. Some of the popular dishes prepared in Indian cuisine are Methi Chicken, Methi Chaman etc.
The names of dishes would go never ending as fenugreek leaves add a lot of nutrition and is rich source of protein, iron and calcium. In Indian cuisine, we use both the leaf and the spice as it has a slight sweet and bitter taste. Green Vegetables is one most vital ingredient that we need to include in our meal.
They are highly nutritious and provide fiber, essential vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium and magnesium added to any meal. Indian cuisine is popularly known for using a wide variety of green vegetables in their cooking. Leafy greens are commonly known as Saag in Hindi and includes a variety of greens like spinach, fenugreek leaves, mustard leaves, amaranth leaves, sorrel leaves etc.
Leafy greens provide protection against diseases like high cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes etc. Do try this delectable and appetizing recipe and encourage kids eating greens every day.
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AlienRope Posted on Mon Oct 13 2014
You could have this with some eggs in the morning?
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