Vada Adai is an incredible breakfast/ snack dish, especially for kids. This dish is crisp...
This is a healthy and incredibly easy recipe to make. Veggie hash is very satisfying, del...
Barley, a member of the grass family, is a major cereal grain. Soup prepared with barley ...
Cheese sticks are easily prepared adding some grated parmesan cheese with the seasoned fl...
Adobo is the name of a popular dish and cooking process in Philippine cuisine that involv...
Chicken fry one of the most preferred dishes with crushed spices flavored on top of this ...
Chickpea Flour With Bell Pepper Curry tastes amazingly delicious and can be served best as a side dish. This turns a simple meal to a delicious one.
This dish is perfect to serve as a side dish with sambar or dal rice.
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