A perfect rice recipe cooked with sorrel leaves and chana dal which are rich and healthy ...
Coconut rice is a traditional rice preparation of south India. Coconut rice is a dish pr...
Steamed cluster beans is seasoned with mustard seeds, split black gram, coconut, ground n...
Veg Pulao is a comfort and satisfying complete meal, cooked with aromatic rice (basmati),...
curry leafs (kurvepaku), tamerind( Chintha pandu), whole red chilli ( endu mirchi), fres...
This biryani is slightly different from the usual method, the chicken is first fried and...
Chicken Badham Korma Biryani is delicious biryani recipe with a perfect blend of spices and richness of almonds.
Every day is a special day when biryani is served on the plate. A unique recipe has its taste spread throughout the world marking the number one dish for all special occasions.
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About Recipe
Every day is a special day when biryani is served on the plate. A unique recipe has its taste spread throughout the world marking the number one dish for all special occasions.