Paneer or Indian cottage cheese cooked along with green peas and fenugreek leaves (methi)...
Nilgiri chicken or Mutton Korma in nicely cooked with succulent pieces of mutton cooked d...
This roast chicken with citrus recipe, chicken roasted with orange and lemon with a pan s...
Mooli Moong Dal is a traditional Rajasthani dal, made with mooli and moong dal, Radish ad...
Chicken korma is a dish originating in South Asia or Central Asia which is made with yogu...
Bharvan parval is a stuffed pointed gourd which is slit and deseeded, blanched and stuffe...
Eggplant and sesame seeds is a wonderful dish made with small eggplant, stir-fried with delicate aromatic flavor.
About Recipe
Vankaya Sannvankaya koora, Kathirikai Kuzhambu, Begun torkari |
adt27623 Posted on Wed Feb 17 2016
omg!!you guys are one soul two bodies!!!just made for each Mr and Mrs vahchef :)?
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