This is a Chinese recipe where mixed veg balls are coated in a layer of basmati rice, the...
An easy-to-make khichdi from the gujarati town of kathiyavad! A perfect combination of da...
A delicious rice dish, this one is simple to make with mixed vegetables....
Saffron rice with walnuts is a deliciously rich authentic Indian recipe served as a main ...
Adas Polow, a delicious rice layered with lentils. It's a great rice dish to prepare when...
Usually making biryani is a very time-consuming task. We look for an easy solution for ou...
This simple side dish, Potato Capsicum fry makes a stimulating treat from the regular capsicum specials like the stuffed capsicum, capsicum masala rice.Brinjal or baingan makes for an excellent combination with capsicum.
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