Arbi ka Salan-A popular Hyderabadi dish – colocassia cooked in a delicious masala....
Mutton Rogan josh is a delicious recipe of Kashmir and it is a treat to the taste buds. T...
An Indain style curry with chana and lamb which is fabulously fragrant, rich and satisfy...
Pesarattu is a pancake made with Moong dal (green gram), made into dumpling and cooked in...
This is a very popular Mutton dish cooked in a true Hyderabadi style. It is cooked in a r...
Dry fish brinjal curry is popular in Andhra Pradesh. A combo veg dish usually served with...
How to makeBrinjal Curry ?How to cookBrinjal Curry ?Learn the recipeBrinjal Curry by vahchef.For all recipes visit
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vahuser Posted on Sun Mar 31 2013
for how long the dals got to be fried ?please be more specific
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