An exotic Andhra style rich celebration dish with smooth, warm and rich flavors. No onion...
A classic dal recipe with white brinjal cooked in boiled dal. This sour dal is a mouth-f...
This is one of the easiest, delicious and healthy mushroom recipes, served with roti, ric...
Murunga keerai Sundal curry is chickpeas and authentic dish of the Tamilians. Sundal or c...
Mirchi ka salan, or curried chili peppers, is a popular dish made with a variety of long,...
Aloo tikka masala is a delicious Indian recipe served as a side dish and it is very spicy...
The ever popular potato finds its way into every cuisine and is cooked in a different, delicious way each time. This recipe cooked in tangy yogurt gravy that is flavored with fennel and nigella and other subtle spices. Aloo ki Subji often served with puri's.
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