Curry Leaf Pepper Chicken is one of the most wonderful dish with a combo of flavors emana...
Pesto chicken kabab is a very rich in taste pesto (basil) is equal to Indian tulsi in fla...
This chicken wings cooked in Indian masala taste excellent for weekend parties or on usua...
Chicken Ghee Roast is a popular Mangalorean dish which uses spices and clarified butter t...
This is a delicious, less spicy and low-calorie biryani as it made with chicken flavored ...
Minced chicken seasoned and made into dumplings to just stick it to the skewers in the sh...
Crispy fried chicken recipe that is full of flavor and seasoned to perfection.
Crispy fried chicken is a standard dish in the Cantonese cuisine of southern China and Hong Kong. The chicken is fried in such a way that the skin is extremely crunchy, but the white meat is relatively soft.
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